Patient Information
Note: Patients with open-angle glaucoma do not require referral as long as they are under supervised care. The negative implications of treating conjunctivitis in these patients would be very low.
Medical History
Drug History
Distinguishing Characteristics
Note: Generalized redness, serous (watery) or mucoserous discharge, grittiness, burning or irritation, minimal itching, conjunctival swelling, unilateral initially (may have progressed to bilateral; usually within 24-48 hours)
Note: Generalized redness, purulent or mucopurulent (thick, white/yellow/green) discharge, continues throughout the day and appears spontaneously, minimal itching, crusting of lids in the morning, unilateral initially (may have progressed to bilateral
Note: Generalized redness, major itching (cardinal symptom), serous or mucoid discharge, conjunctival swelling, bilateral presentation.
Review of Symptoms
Available: Mon - Fri: 10 AM - 6 PM, Saturday: 10 AM - 2 PM
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